Exceptional circumstances and additional considerations

Change of residence

Household help service requirements will be assessed on the living situation of the worker at the time of illness or injury. WorkSafe is not liable to support a change of residential address where there are additional support services required because of the move. Justification for moving to a specific property may be considered.

This includes additional needs for gardening and outdoor property assistance. WorkSafe is not liable for the requirement of exceptional once yearly cleaning tasks and heavier garden tasks that were not previously required or accessed at the previous residence. The onus is on the worker to ensure that any relocation considers their ability and capacity to maintain their household at the same level of their residence at the time of the injury. Any additional services requiring funding will be at the cost of the worker.

Household help relating to minors

The Agent can also pay the reasonable costs of Household help services where a worker provided housework assistance for a child who:

  • lives in the home

  • was dependent on the worker to perform the tasks pre-injury or illness

  • is unable to perform the tasks themselves, and

  • has no other adults living in the home to undertake the tasks for the child.

Support for workers with low English-speaking proficiency

Where a worker is of non-English speaking cultural background additional consideration is required to ensure a culturally safe service is provided.

In circumstances where English is not the first language used by the worker the Agent must ensure the worker understands the full context of the process for requesting and arranging Household help services. This may require utilisation of an interpreter.

Death while in receipt of household help

If a worker passes away while in receipt of household help, their family memberClosed Family member means a partner, parent, grandparent, sibling or child of the worker or of the worker's partner/s may receive the same services for up to six months from the date that the Agent is notified of the worker’s death, if:

  • the worker’s death is related to their claim for which household help was paid,

  • the family member resides at the worker’s primary residence, and

  • the Agent is notified of the worker’s death within three months of the date of death.

The type and frequency of household help the family is to receive remains unchanged from those outlined in the worker’s last approved request.


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